Sunday, January 1, 2012

Hadith that Muawiyyah's belly would never be filled

Sahih Muslim, Book 032, Number 6298:

Ibn Abbas reported: I was playing with children that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) happened to pass by (us). I hid myself behind the door. He (the Holy Prophet) came and he patted upon my shoulders and said: Go and call Mu'awiya. I returned and said: He is busy in taking food. He again asked me to go and call Mu'swiya to him. I went (and came back) and said that he was busy in taking food, whereupon he said: May Allah not fill his belly! Ibn Muthanna, said: I asked Umm Umayya what he meant by the word Hatani. He said: It means" he patted my shoulders".

(Also reported by Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal and Imam Hakim in his Mustadrak with Sahih Chain)

The Curse of Rasool (saw) becomes blessing only if he curse some one who didn't deserve it

Chapter, under which Muslim recorded this hadith is:
By Allah, Muawiyyah deserved this Curse of Rasool (saw) more than any other thing.
Ibn Kathir: Muawiyyah Eating SEVEN Times a day, but still hungry

Ibn Kathir gave the full account of this tradition (from Abu 'Awanah al-Wadaah, from Abu Hamza Imran, from Ibn Abbas):

فإنه لما صار إلى الشام أميرا، كان يأكل في اليوم سبع مرات يجاء بقصعة فيها لحم كثير ويصل فيأكل منها، ويأكل في اليوم سبع أكلات بلحم، ومن الحلوى والفاكهة شيئا كثيرا ويقول والله ما أشبع وإنما أعيا، وهذه نعمة ومعدة يرغب فيها كل الملوك.
......... (as above mentioned hadith from Sahih Muslim). Then he further continues this hadith:
And Hadhrat Muawiyyah took benefit of this Prayer (/Actually Curse) in this world and the world hereafter.
In this world in this way when he became the Ameer of Syria, he used to eat SEVEN Times a day. The bowl which is brought to him for eating, was full of meat and onions. He used to eat from this Bowl SEVEN Times a day along with a lot of SWEETS (Halwa) and lot of Fruits. But still he used to say:"By God! my belly is not filled, but I am tired. And Food is such a blessing in which all Kings are interested."
And he took blessing from this Prayer (Actually Curse) in hereafter in way that Muslim and as well as Bukhari reported that Rasool (saw) prayed to Allah: "O God! I am only a human being. So, if I curse some one or beat unjustly while he doesn't deserve it, then turn this Curse into blessing".
Reference: Al-Badaya wa al-Nahaya, Volume 8, Page 158, Urdu Edition, Nafees AcademyOnline Link


Either Ibn Kathir (Nasibies) are funny to claim such thing that it was a blessing that Muawiyyah was hungry even after SEVEN times eating a day (till he was tired, but still his belly was not filled)
Or they have become so much blind in their Sahabah Worship that they are unable to see the Truth and this Curse upon Muawiyyah.

Result of this Excessive Eating SEVEN Times a day by Muawiyyah

Ibn Kathir al-Damishqi records in his al-Badaya wa al-Nahaya:

وقال مغيرة عن الشعبي: أول من خطب جالسا معاوية حين كثر شحمه وعظم بطنه .وكذا روى عن مغيرة عن إبراهيم أنه قال: أول من خطب جالسا يوم الجمعة معاوية .وقال أبو المليح عن ميمون: أول من جلس على المنبر معاوية واستأذن الناس في الجلوس
And Mughira reported from Sh'ubi: "And Hadhrat Muawiyyah was the first person who started giving Sermon (of Jum'a Prayer) while sitting (contrary to Sunnah of Rasool Allah). And this happened at that time when Muawiyyah got the thick layers of FATand his Stomach grew Large.
Similarly Mughirah also reported Ibrahim: "The first one who delivered the Friday Sermon while sitting, was Muawiyyah.
And Abu Malih also reported the same from Memoon that Muawiyyah was the first who sat on the Minbar.
  • al-Baday wa al-Nahaya, volume 8, page 181, Urdu Edition, Nafees Academy.Online Link
Hadith: A Kafir Eats in SEVEN Intestines

Imam Muslim recorded an interesting Hadith.

Sahih Muslim, The Book of Drinks (Kitab Al-Ashriba) Volume 7, Book 65, Number 306:
Narrated Ibn 'Umar: Allah's Apostle said, "A believer eats in one intestine (is satisfiedwith a little food), and a kafir (unbeliever) or a hypocrite eats in seven intestines (eats too much)."

And this same hadith is also recorded in Bukhari too:

Sahih Bukhari, Volume 7, Book 65, Number 308:
Narrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said, "A Muslim eats in one intestine (i.e. he is satisfied with a little food) while a Kafir (unbeliever) eats in seven intestines (eats much)."

Shahadat of Imam Nisai for describing this Hadith

This Hadeeth is a clear condemnation of Mu'awiya which is why when Imam Nasai recited it in Damascus he was murdered. If it was an appraisal of him as is suggested by some Nasibi lawyers then why did the Damascan'not recognise it as such, and instead murder Imam Nasai for reciting it? [Here is the anti Shia Nasibi site article about death of Imam Nasai]

This is only the disease of "Sahaba Worship" which made Nasibies so much blind as to present this Curse as Blessing. This disease of Sahabah worship is going to make Nasibies the biggest Joker of the Universe

Muawiyyah Farting while sitting at the Minbar of Prophet (saw)

Due to this Curse of Prophet (saw), Muawiyyah became very fat and he used to fart in front of every one, every where. This cursed person even didn't left the Minbar of Prophet (saw) and he farted there too in front of people who came there to pray. And after farting, Muawiyyah also used to made the lame excuses in order to hide his bad habits due to curse of Prophet (saw).

Sunni Alim Zamakhshari wrote in book "Rabi-ul-Abrar":

Muawiyyah farted while sitting at the Minbar of Prophet (saw) and said: "Allah made the bodies and kept the flatus there" ... Upon that S'as'ah bin 'Sohan stood up and replied: "Farting in Toilet is Sunnah but farting while sitting Minbar of Prophet (saw) is Biddah".

يقول الزمخشري : افلتت من معاويه ريح على المنبر، فقال : يا ايها الناس إنَّ اللّه خلق أبداناً وجَعَل فيها ارواحاً فما تمالك الناس أن تخرج منهم، فقام صعصعة بن صوحان فقال : اما بعد فإنخروج الارواح في المتوضئات سنّة، وعلى المنابر بدعة. واستغفراللّه لي ولكم
. ( ربيع الابرار 4 : 172. )

Muaviyah Rap Song