Sunday, April 22, 2012

معاویہ غیر اسلام پر مرا ہے یعنی کافر مرا ہے

کتاب مسائل امام احمد بن حنبل ج ص 154میں ہے
" ابن جعد سے امام احمد روایت کرتے ہیں کہ ابن جعد نے کہا اللہ کی قسم معاویہ کافر ہو کر مرا ہے "
اس کتاب کا محقق بجائے اس کے اسکی سند بحث کرتا کہنے لگا کہ جس نے بھی یہ بات کہی ہے اس نے اپنے اسلام کو خطر میں ڈالا ہے
یہ تو کوئی جواب نہیں ہوا
اس کتاب کا محقق بجائے اس کے اسکی سند بحث کرتا کہنے لگا کہ جس نے بھی یہ بات کہی ہے اس نے اپنے اسلام کو خطر میں ڈالا ہے
یہ تو کوئی جواب نہیں ہوا

معاویہ کی بت فروشی

جہاں ہند جگر خوار کے لال کے کئی رزائل ہیں وہاں اس میں ایک بت کی تجارت بھی ہے جو ہندوستان کے لئے ایکسپورٹ کرتا تھا
طبری نے اپنی کتاب تھذیب میں لکھا ہے :
ابو وائل کہتا ہے کہ : میں مسروق کے ساتھ تھا ایک کشتی گزری جس میں سونے چاندی سے بنے بت تھے جسے معاویہ، تجارت کے لئے ہندوستان بھیج رہا تھا تب مسروق نے کہا :اگر مجھے یقین ہوتا کہ یہ مجھے قتل کر دینگے تو میں یہ پوری کشتی کو غرق کر دیتا لیکن میں آزمائش اور تشدد سے ڈرتا ہوں ۔

حدثنا محمد بن بشار ، قال : حدثنا عبد الرحمن ، قال : حدثنا سفيان ، عن الأعمش ، عن أبي وائل ، قال : كنت مع مسروق بالسلسلة ، فمرت عليه سفينة فيها أصنام ذهب وفضة ، بعث بها معاوية إلى الهند تباع ، فقال مسروق : « لو أعلم أنهم يقتلوني لغرقتها ، ولكني أخشى الفتنة »
تهذيب الآثار وتفصيل الثابت عن رسول الله من الأخبار ج 3 ص 241 أبي جعفر محمد بن جرير بن يزيد الطبري
سنة الولادة 224هـ/ سنة الوفاة 310هـ تحقيق محمود محمد شاكر الناشر مطبعة المدني سنة النشر مكان النشر القاهرة
انساب الاشراف بلاذری ج 2 ص 122میں اس طرح ہے
حدثنا يوسف وإسحاق قالا: جرير عن الأعمش عن أبي وائل قال: كنت مع مسروق بالسلسلة فمرت به سفائن فيها أصنام من صفرٍ تماثيل الرجال، فسألهم عنها فقالوا: بعث بها معاوية إلى أرض السند والهند تباع له، فقال مسروق: لو أعلم أنهم يقتلونني لغرقتها، ولكني أخاف أن يعذبوني ثم يفتنوني، والله ما أدري أي الرجلين معاوية، أرجل قد يئس من الآخرة فهو يتمتع من الدنيا أم رجل
زين له سوء عمله

اس روایت کی سند بالکل صحیح ہے 
عبد الرحمن سے مراد عَبْدُ الرَّحْمَنِ بْنُ مَهْدِيٍّ یہ اور سفیان ، محمد بن بشار 
بخاری کے مشائخ ہیں 
بخاری کبھی عبد الرحمن کو ابن المھدی کہتا ہے

نیچےصحیح بخاری سے ایک روایت درج کر رہا ہوں جس میں ہماری روایت کے سب چہار افراد ہیں

37 - باب: ليس منا من ضرب الخدود .

حدثنا محمد بن بشار: حدثنا عبد الرحمن: حدثنا سفيان، عن الأعمش، عن عبد الله بن مرة، عن مسروق، عن عبد الله رضي الله عنه،

عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: (ليس منا من ضرب الخدود، وشق الجيوب، ودعا بدعوى الجاهلية).

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Who was Muawiya ibn Abu Sufyan?

 The story of Ashura and the great sacrifice made by Imam Hussain (a.s.) to save the religion of Islam was a classic tale of good versus evil. The evil in these events was personified by Yazid ibn Muawiya (may Allah curse him), a man who was simply a despicable human, let alone a so-called Muslim.

His reign as "caliph" was short but painful. In his first year of rule he commanded his forces to kill the grandson of the Holy Prophet, along with his family and friends and in the second year he attacked the Holy Kaa'ba and set fire to it. He was a power-hungry, selfish and arrogant man but tracing through history, he was not the real brains behind the attempt to destroy Islam, the real brains was his father - Muawiya ibn Abu Sufyan. Of the trio of the founding Umayyad fathers, Abu Sufyan, Muawiya and Yazid, Muawiya is the most significant, the most influential and most cunning.

Sunnis lay a lot of credit on Muawiya's door. They have a lot invested in him. They don't really take note of Abu Sufyan and condemn the actions of Yazid, on the whole (apart from fools like Dr. Zakir Naik). Muawiya on the other hand is treated with a lot of respect. They call him Hazrat Muawiya - rasiallahu-anhu (may Allah be pleased with him) amongst other respectful titles. He has been bizarrely sanctified by the Ahle Sunnah over the centuries, his reputation has been shrouded in myths, legends and propaganda.

During Muharrum I heard an excellent lecture about Muawiya. From my notes and further research on the man, I want to explore who Muawiya was, we need to be aware of who he was and what he represented. The lecturer carefully explored his real record, the truth about his life and deeds and ambitions. We have to know who these people are in order to represent our faith in a better light and even enlighten our brethren in the Ahle Sunnah about the truth behind Muawiya.

The Ahle Sunnah like to give him three main claims to fame. Firstly, he was a great companion of the Holy Prophet. Looking at history, he was in the Holy Prophet's midst only for the last 2 years of the Prophet's life. Any hadith claiming words of praise about Muawiya from the Holy Prophet have been fabricated by Muawiya himself. He was a great propaganda machine and spent much of his time in power creating new hadiths about himself and Bani Ummaya. He also created other hadiths trying to discredit Imam Ali (a.s.) and Bani Hashim in an attempt to legitimise his rule.

The reality is that he was not a great companion of the Holy Prophet, and the Prophet enunciated not one word of praise or merit about Muawiya. Many Sunni scholars have come to this conclusion in their research, including Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani, Jalaluddin Al-Suyuti and Abdul-Haqq Dehlavi who all attest to there being no hadiths in praise of Muawiya in their books.

The Ahle-Sunnah also believe Muawiya to have been a legitimate ruler, caliph of the Muslims. He obtained the Caliphate by ousting the 2nd Holy Imam, Imam Hasan (a.s.) through bribery and blackmail of Imam Hasan's supporters. He negotiated a peace treaty with Imam Hasan (a.s.) and then systematically broke every single article of the treaty. He broke the central condition of the treaty - regarding succession to his rule, by appointing his cursed son Yazid as Caliph.

He is, in effect, Islam's first tyrant. He was the man who created structures of kinship and autocracy. He dug the roots of tyranny, terror and totalitarianism that defaces Islam today. Famous Sunni scholar, Abul Ala Maududi, in his 1973 book "Caliphate and Kingship", outlines in detail the numerous ways in which Muawiya enriched himself at the expense of the people, how corrupt he was, how many companions and innocent Muslims he killed and how he amassed both power and wealth. He turned the Caliphate into a Kingship. (After all that criticism, Maududi still managed to end the book with "Hazrat Muawiya, (r.a.)"!!)

If he is a true Caliph and deserved the title, why is he not one of the Khulafa-e-Rashideen - the four rightly guided Caliphs? Why does it end with Imam Ali (a.s.), why wasn't Muawiya added to this list? They know the truth, but cannot bring themselves to admit as much. The irony is that how could he be a great Caliph when some of his own companions refused to pray behind him? A companion of Abu Huraira, no friend of the Shia, claims in Sirat-e-Halabiya that "On the plains of Siffin, Abu Huraira would pray Salat behind Ali, but would go and eat with Muawiya. Someone asked why he did this, to which he replied "Food with Muawiya is better, but Salat under Ali is better.""

Muawiya belonged to Deviated Party

Hadith Number 3800 and 3801(Sahih Muslim):
This hadith  from Sahih Muslim has confirmed for those Muslims, who praise Muawiya ibn Abu Sufyan, that not only Muawiya ibn Abu Sufyan, but his whole party were deviated from the right path and had transgressed, because they had fought Imam Ali during the battle of siffeen, killing many innocent Muslims, especially, the killing of Ammar ibn Yassir, who sided with Imam Ali during the batrle of siffeen.

The Prophet (SAAW) said to Ammar ibn Yassir, "Rejoice Ammar, the transgression party shall kill you",
and Ammar ibn Yassir was killed in the battle of siffeen by Muawiya nad his trangressed party, or army.

English version, History of Tabari, Volumne 17, page 64 and 65:
..."stick to the party of Ibn Summayah (Ammar ibn Yassir), for i heard to Prophet (SAAW) saying, "the party that swerves fromt the right path will kill him, and his last sustenance will be milk mixed with water.""

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Perfect Proofs that Mu'awiya Abused Imam Ali (as)!!

There is an increasing tendency among Sunnis to deny the fact that Mu'awiya, their master, used to abuse and curse Imam Ali (as). The point is: once it is proved that he did either of the two, his kufr (disbelief) is proved! This is because of this hadith:

"Whoever abuses Ali has abused me."

Shaykh Abu Ishaq al-Hawayni in his Tahdhib al-Khasais, p. 76, No. 86 states after recording it:

Its chain is sahih.

The Salafi hadithist, al-Daani ibn Muneer Aali al-Zaawee in his tahqiq of the hadith in Kitab al-Khasais states:

Its chain is hasan.

The hadith is also recorded in Musnad Ahmad 2/735 No. 1011. Its annotator, Wasiyullah Muhammad Abbas states:

Its chain is sahih.

Imam al-Suyuti has declared it sahih in his Jami' al-Sagheer 529 No. 8736

Imam al-Munawi in his tahqiq of Jami al-Sagheer 2/817 also declares the hadith sahih.

Ibn al-Jazri in his Manaqib Usd al-Ghalib 20 has also declared it sahih.

When we look into the authoritative Sunni and Salafi sources, we discovered that Mu'awiya is proved to have, at least, abused Imam Ali (as) and also ordered others to do so.

Ibn Taymiyyah in his Minhaj al-Sunnah vol. 5, p. 42 states:
وأما حديث سعد لما أمره معاوية بالسب فأبى فقال ما منعك أن تسب علي بن أبي طالب فقال ثلاث قالهن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فلن أسبه لأن يكون لي واحدة منهن أحب إلي من حمر النعم الحديث فهذا حديث صحيح رواه مسلم في صحيحه وفيه ثلاث فضائل لعلي

As for the hadith of Sa'd, when Mu'awiya ORDERED him to abuse Ali, and he declined, and Mu'awiya asked him "What stops you from abusing Ali ibn Abu Talib?" and he answered "The Prophet said three things about him ....

Shaykh al-Albani in his Sahih Sunan Ibn Majah vol. 1, p. 26, number 118 records:
حدثنا علي بن محمد حدثنا أبو معاوية حدثنا موسى بن مسلم عن ابن سابط وهو عبد الرحمن عن سعد بن أبي وقاص قال قدم معاوية في بعض حجّاته ، فدخل عليه سعد فذكروا علياً فنالَ منه ، فغضب سعد وقال : تقول هذا في لرجل سمعتُ رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول فيه : من كنتُ مولاه فعليّ مولاه . وسمعته يقول أنت مني بمنزلة هارون من موسى إلا أنه لا نبي بعدي . وسمعته يقول لأعطين الراية اليوم رجلا يحب الله ورسوله.؟)

Narrated Sa'd ibn Abi Waqas:

Mu'awiya returned from one of his confrontations, and Sa'd entered upon him. They mentioned Ali and he verbally attacked him. Thus Sa'd got angry, saying: "You said that about a man about whom I heard the Messenger of Allah said: 'Whosoever I am his master, Ali too is his master'. I also heard him say: 'O Ali, your rank in relation to me is like that of Harun to Musa except that there will be no prophet after me'. He also said (about Ali): I will give the flag today tom a man who loves Allah and His Messenger?".

Al-Albani says:


Conclusion: So, dear Sunni Brothers don't blame shias, it is found in your books that Muawiya used to abuse Ali. And whoever abuse Ali abuse me , says Prophet(s.a.w). Still you would respect such a man!!!. Whom do you love more Prophet(s.a.w)  OR Muawiya!!!

Hidden Agenda of Mu'awiya

Mutraf bin Mughira bin Sho`ba says:
"I accompanied my father Mughira to see Mu`awiya. My father visited him every day and praised him very much on his return.
When he came back one night he was very sad and he did not even take his dinner. On my having enquired about the reason for his sadness he said:
My son!Tonight I have come after meeting the most evil person.
On my having enquired as to who he was he said:
"I told Mu`awiya in seclusion: You have achieved all your desires. It will now be in the fitness of things if you behave with the people kindly. You have grown old now. You should behave well with Bani Hashim who are your kith and kin.
There is no reason for you to be afraid of them now!
Mu`awiya replied: `Never! Never! The man belonging to the Family of Taym (Abu Bakr) became caliph. When he died he was no longer talked about. Now he is called only `Abu Bakr' by the people.
After him Umar became caliph and ruled promptly for ten years. With his death he also ceased to be talked about and people now call him `Umar'.
Then our brother Uthman became the caliph. He belonged to the noblest family. He ruled justly but when he died he too ceased to be talked about.
However, the name of the son of Bani Hashim (i.e. Muhammad) is announced five times during the day and night (i.e. everyone says: I acknowledge that Muhammad is the prophet of God). Now what else can be done with his name except that I should destroy it Completely''
(Murujuz Zahab, vol. 2, page 241).(Voice of Human Justice Pg.230)